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Manager of Core Networking - Austin, TX - (Austin, TX)

Manager of Core Networking Austin, TX The Manager of Core Networking is responsible for the daily operations of core network architecture and security, network technology evaluations, protocol analysis, configuration, and research, complex troubleshooting and analysis and special network projects. In addition, this role is highly involved in capacity planning, network monitoring, and technology mentoring. The Manager of Core Networking will direct assigned project staff to design, develop and/or implement large, complex technology solutions supporting 1 or more business and/or technology areas. Network infrastructure includes routers; switches; circuits; MPLS connectivity; voice over IP phone systems; load balancers; firewalls; VPN; DNS; IPAM; Sniffers; tapping; NAC; NTP; DDoS mitigation; proxies; network management tools; and call recording infrastructure Monitor and report upon network performance and capacity. Identify and diagnose complex problems and factors affecting network performance.


Posted in Austin, TX, IT & software development
From BrightMove Recruiting Software - 1 month ago