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General Manager - (Greensboro, NC)

Location: CEV Greensboro - STU47721 Job details: The General Manager serves as the Chief Operating Officer of their respective community with full responsibility for the overall operations and profit and loss of the property. The General Manager is 1 of the members of the Pinnacle Campus Living senior management team. The PCL team is a dynamic group whose collective mission is to promote the happiness, success, and peace of mind of its residents, customers, parents and university. Teammates must be dedicated to advancing the goals and values of PCL, while supporting each other in their endeavors and striving for success every day. The General Manager's primary function is managing the overall operation of their community and the effective execution of all phases of staffing and administration, accounting, marketing and leasing, maintenance, capital improvements, residence life, customer service, weekly and monthly reporting


Posted in Greensboro, NC, Real Estate
From Broadbean - 1 month ago