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Volunteer Coordinator Assistant - (Chicago, IL)

Position details: The Assistant Volunteer Coordinator will perform a range of administrative and office support functions to facilitate the efficient operation of the Volunteer Program. Duties include, but are not limited to: Assist with the recruiting, orientation, training, and placement of volunteers. Assist with timekeeping duties for volunteers, with incoming phone calls and written correspondence, providing prompt responses and forwarding to appropriate staff members where necessary. Assist with processing electronic volunteer applications, gathering data and preparing monthly productivity reports. Assist with volunteer schedules and the maintenance of volunteer files to ensure they are DNV compliant. Assist with yearly in-services and volunteer performance evaluations. Provide assistance and support with departmental projects, which may include mail outs, project assembly work, and delivery of materials throughout the organization. Assist with recognition and other special events. Qualification:


Posted in Chicago, IL, Non-Profit
From The Resumator - 1 month ago