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Community Health Worker - Duchesne Clinic - (Kansas City, KS)

The community health worker (CHW) will supports and coaches at-risk patients to manage their own health and assist them in navigating the health care and social service systems. The Community Health Worker (CHW) bridges the gap between health care providers and people in need of care. They serve as a link between the patient and the health or social service agencies. Duties: Assist clients in accessing and understanding necessary health and wellness details provided by their medical provider and clinic. Complete all required documentation and data tracking in a detailed and timely manner. Provided assistance with medical and behavioral health referrals to ensure client access and follow-through. Assist patients in the communitythrough home visits, attending medical appointments, and accessing other community-based resources. Attend and actively participate in all project related trainings and project meetings.


Posted in Kansas City, KS, Science & Research
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago