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Caregiver for In Home Care - set your own schedule! - (Dixonville, PA)

Competitive compensation? Check. Flexible Schedules? Check. Yearly Benefits? Check. Paid Time Off? Check. Caregiver Training Opportunities? Double Check. All thats missing is compassionate, upbeat caregivers like you to start enjoying just some of the many perks that come with being 1 of our In Home Caregivers! We have hundreds of wonderful senior clients in need of the skill and care you provide. Our Caregivers pick the schedule that works best for them. Whether you need full time, part time, daytime, evening, or weekend shifts, we have open positions in your area. We even have some overnight and live-in caregiving positions available! Caregiver Tasks Include: - Providing companionship - Meal preparation - Transportation - Housekeeping Apply today for a caregiver position that gives you more!


Posted in Dixonville, PA, Domestic
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago