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Data Engineer - Stow - (Stow, MA)

Let companies apply to you, not the other way around. Sign up with Hired to get access to thousands of companies currently hiring data engineers. Want to work for a company you love? Are you a Data Engineer ? Data Engineers develop and maintain infrastructures that allow for the collection and storage of data. We are looking for Data Engineers who can help us turning data into a format that makes it valuable for analysis and more. Some of the infrastructure Data Engineers are responsible for building and maintaining include databases and large-scale dataset processors, which allow for the acquisition, mining, modeling and authentication of vast quantities of data. It is other teams that take that data and make it tell a story, but without Data Engineers, the architecture would not be available to collect, store and utilize that important data.


Posted in Stow, MA, IT & software development
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago