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DevOps Engineer - Chelsea - (Chelsea, MA)

Let companies apply to you, not the other way around. Sign up with Hired to get access to thousands of companies currently hiring devops engineers. Want to work for a company you love? Are you a DevOps Engineer ? Part methodology, part job role, DevOps is gaining popularity in companies across all sectors, with DevOps Engineers leading the charge when it comes to putting its practices to use. DevOps is seen as the most effective way to ensure products are released on time, within budget, are what clients and consumers want and speak well to the quality of the company. DevOps Engineers close the gap between the developer and the operations teams, wielding an arsenal of tech tools and background to make the day-to-day operations on a company's tech team as smooth and efficient as possible. This can make the company more successful, popular and profitable overall, an edge that is necessary for the highly-competitive field of IT.


Posted in Chelsea, MA, IT & software development
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago