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Field Marketing Manager - (Miami, FL)

Company Overview: Vital Proteins is an emerging, dynamic brand consisting of a team of passionate individuals who believe whole-food-based nutrition is essential for overall health, fitness and wellbeing. Our team is comprised of intelligent and innovative talent who work collaboratively to ensure creativity, success, and global growth. At Vital Proteins, our mission is to empower our company, team, and customers to live a full, vibrant life. We seek to develop and support the right people, with the right chemistry, who continually ask questions, and in turn will develop and tactically execute good ideas. We are looking for individuals to help us think smarter and put a lot of ideas on the table in a short amount of time. Building a excellent company is our goal. Quality individuals and getting the team right is our business plan. Role:


Posted in Miami, FL, Marketing & PR
From The Resumator - 1 month ago