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Customer Service Representative (Part Time) - (Little Rock, AR)

General Responsibilities The Instant Return Representative is an essential member of the airport location team and is the brand ambassador by providing the fastest, easiest, and most valued background to our customers. This team player is responsible for providing attentive, courteous, and expeditious service to our customers as they return their vehicles. The essential responsibilities and accountabilities are: Provides world class customer service by managing vehicle returns process, in compliance with Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group’s policies and procedures Personally welcome all customers with a pleasant greeting and professional attitude at all times, assist with luggage and answer questions in a friendly manner Provide the customer with an invoice and a full explanation of their fees Resolve customer issues and concerns professionally using effective customer service techniques. When applicable, direct queries to the Team Leader for the issue can be resolved before the customer leaves the location.


Posted in Little Rock, AR, Customer Service
From Professional Diversity Network - 1 month ago