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Contingency Operations (COOP) Planner with Security Clearance - (Rock Island, IL)

Description -- This position is currently pending contract award. -- Jacobs is 1 of the world---s largest and most diverse providers of full-spectrum technical, professional and construction services for industrial, commercial and government organizations globally. The company employs over 54,000 people and operates in more than 25 countries arou nd the world. -- Specialized Operational Logistics & Readiness Support Services: SSA KTR shall provide Specialized Operational Logistics Support. Operation Center Operator: The SSA KTR shall provide Operations Center Operators services. Specific tasks include but are not limited to the following: researching and assist with responding to inquiries, monitoring events involving new and ongoing operations and exercises requirements, assist with in-depth research and analysis of emerging policy, regulations, directives, or industrial issues, consolidating reports, updating and maintaining operations files in SharePoint, facilitating teleconferences


Posted in Rock Island, IL, Business & Management
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago