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Systems Engineer - (Southfield, MI)

Systems Engineer Responsibilities * Manage system qualifications in Doors * Define the key system qualifications that are going to drive the system architecture and partitioning * Analyze, clarify, specify, and confirm the key qualifications of our products in the context of the complete vehicle system / sub-system, including relevant sensors, actuators, power supplies, loads, and networked ECUs * An emphasis must be placed on identifying, clarifying, and confirming required failure mode behavior, security, functional safety, boundary / limit condition behavior, behavior in non-standard operating conditions, load conditions, etc. * Define the electronic hardware architecture for our product(s), including uC and peripheral selection, and further define the allocation of system qualifications between hardware and software Systems Engineer Qualifications * Allocate system qualifications to the engineering disciplines (hardware, software


Posted in Southfield, MI, IT & software development
From Broadbean - 1 month ago