B2B Sales/Leadership/Entrepreneur - (Aiken, SC)
Job DescriptionBuilding a business is hard.The payoff is amazing.What if you could build a business with the backing of the only Fortune 500 Company that has delivered on shareholder promises for 26 straight years, has been voted the Most Ethical Insurance Company in the WORLD for nine years running, and has revolutionized the industry with the One-Day Pay Concept?Aflac offers people with an entrepreneurial spirit an opportunity like no other. High-level MENTORSHIP - one-on-one guidance to help you throughout your career Unlimited INCOME - performance based pay with RESIDUAL income and bonuses FREEDOM to take your career wherever you want to go World-Class TRAINING provided through different channels Innovative TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS Rapid ADVANCEMENT opportunities - be promoted based your performanceJob Qualifications Be the Best Version of Yourself Work Harder than you probably ever have Communicate Effectively Solve Problems Creatively Stay Positive amid Challenges Enjoy Celebrating Victories Internalize
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago