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Sr. Chemist - Structural Adhesives - (Holland, MI)

Qualifications: MS in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering Bench Scale Epoxy Thermoset Adhesive Formulation Testing and Specification- DSC, DMA, TGA, Rheometers Structural Adhesive Polymer Chemistry Background leading a group of Scientists is highly desirable Responsibilities for this position include: -Formulate/Synthesize new generation of high performance structural adhesive material based on thermoset chemistry for adhesive/synthetic application. -Develop process in the lab and scale up production as well as solve issues related to manufacturing. -Modify existing thermoset resins formulation in order to improve their cost/performance characteristics. -Technical interaction with customer to solve product issues. -Expertise to perform Design of Experiment for R&D projects.


Posted in Holland, MI, Science & Research
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago