IT Internship - Applications Developer Microsoft .Net / SQL - (De Pere, WI)
DescriptionAt Exelon, we've got a place for you! --Join the nation's leading competitive energy provider, with 1 of the largest electricity generation portfolios and retail customer bases in the country.-- You will be part of a family of companies that strives for the highest standards of power generation, competitive energy sales, and energy delivery.-- Our team of outstanding professionals is focused on performance, thought leadership, innovation, and the power of ideas that come from a diverse and inclusive workforce. --Exelon will provide you the tools and resources you need to design, build and enhance a successful career. We are also dedicated to motivating the success of our employees through our outstanding base salary, incentives, and health and retirement benefits. --Join Exelon and share your passion at a forward-thinking Fortune 100 company. Establish yourself in a place where you can truly shine and create a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow. Energize your career at Exelon! --
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago