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Yard Manager - Davie (Port Richey,FL) - (Port Richey, FL)

LKQ PYP of Lauderdale is hiring an exprienced yard manager. LKQ provides benefits that include medical, dental, vision, and a matching 401k. Essential Position duties : Responsibilities are to assist in the management of all the procedures that insure the efficient processing of all business operations with overall responsibilities * for yard management, production , maintenance, quality, safety and revenue. Also assist in resolving active customer service or product problems and monitor customer purchase habits to detect and react to gains or lost business opportunities as quickly as possible Minimum qualifications Responsible for directing and managing all business operations Coordinate all faces of yard activities. Insure that all objectives are accomplished in a timely and cost effective manner. Establishes, monitors and insures overall location performance. Responsible for the timely maintenance of all location equipment.


Posted in Port Richey, FL, Labor
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago