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Marketing Representative- New Orleans, LA - (New Orleans, LA)

Job DescriptionA fast-growing company has an emerging opportunity for someone with 1-two years or Entry Level background in Marketing.Our client is looking for talented individual with personality, ambition and energy..They are seeking to fill an available position with a positive, enthusiastic individual who work well in a strong team environment, and have the potential for longterm growth potential.Background in Marketing, Multi-Media, Public Relations, Ad Agency background helpful.Excellent technical skills including but not limited to Microsoft word, Ms excel Software.Knowledge in SQL, HTML/CSS or Python quite helpful!Expertise to articulate and communicate with energy and enthusiasm on the phone and in a face to face capacity.Company DescriptionWe offer Competitive compensation and an excellent work atmosphere. To apply for a position, please email your introductory letter and resume to CORPORATE CONNECTION, INC RECRUITING & STAFFINGWWW.CCISTAFF.COM


Posted in New Orleans, LA, Marketing & PR
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago