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Sales: Advertising B2B Sales Executive - Richfield, Minnesota - (Richfield, MN)

Job DescriptionNEED SOME FAST CASH? WRITE A DEAL TODAY AND GET PAID UP TO $748 BY DINNER TONIGHT!Become Part of 1 of The Most Exciting, Fast Growing Industries:SenText Solutions provides a low cost text mobile marketing service that gives local merchants the expertise to immediately reach their existing customers about specials, promotions, discounts, etc. This service helps businesses bring their existing customers back to their business an additional 1, 2, 3 or 4 more times every month, increasing their bottom line!Many businesses including restaurants, delis, pizza shops, bars, retail stores, car washes, salons, and MANY other business types want this service!There are currently over 290 Million mobile phone users in the United States alone. Of these mobile phone users, nearly two-thirds are active users of Text Messaging.


Posted in Richfield, MN, Sales
From LocalJobBoard - 1 month ago