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Talent Acquisition Researcher - Contract - (Somerset, NJ)

You re driven, resourceful, and above all else - remarkably smart.You love a good challenge. You are the 1st to roll up your sleeves and work with relentless energy until you solve the unsolvable, beat the unbeatable and you always come out on top. Passable doesn t cut it " you ve got fire in your belly to learn more, do more and be more. For you, the sweetest success is shared success and you re known for your good nature. You ll fit right in at Syneos Health where we surround ourselves with the most talented and agile professionals in the industry, but we check our egos at the door.Why Syneos Health? Join a game-changing global company that is reinventing the way therapies are developed and commercialized. Created through the merger of 2 industry leading companies - INC Research and inVentiv Health - we bring together more than 21,000 clinical and commercial minds to create better, smarter, faster ways to get biopharmaceutical therapies to patients.


Posted in Somerset, NJ, Science & Research
From employmentcrossing - 1 month ago