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Chief Engineer - O/I - (Jacksonville, FL)

- Oversees the maintenance and continuous operation of all building systems including but not limited to: fire/life safety, mechanical (HVAC, plumbing, controls) electrical (lighting, UPS, PDU, generators, primary switch gear), cabling (data and voice, broad band), lighting and temperature controls systems, critical environments, light construction (painting, doors, locks), digital systems (fire alarm, duress, card access, radionics, CCTV), and Audio/Visual services. Utilize staff and contracting with outside vendors as necessary.- Supervises and manages engineers and maintenance staff including hiring, training and personal development - Identifies the maintenance objectives of the facility and incorporate those objectives into a documented plan that includes preventive, predictive and reactive maintenance procedures.- Identifies safety hazards within the building and incorporates the remediation of such hazards to ensure that the buildings staff and occupants work in a safe environment.


Posted in Jacksonville, FL, IT & software development
From itjobcafe - 1 month ago