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Youth Care Worker - (Missoula, MT)

Working with children who are residing in a transitional short-term emergency shelter. You would be assisting the children in meeting their daily needs such as interactive monitoring, meal prep, minor house clean-up, home work, visitation monitoring etc...). This is a fast paced job as the children are fast paced and may have emotional disturbances. We will provide on site training. We staff at a one staff to four children ratio. Our children ages range from new born to age 14. More info, will be provided upon interview. If you are interested in our positions, please stop by 4978 Buckhouse Lane, Missoula, MT 59804 to fill out an application or visit our web address online at Available Shifts Wednesday 4p-9p Thursday 4p-9p Sunday 4p-7p Saturday 4p-7p every other week or Friday 4p-9 Saturday 4p-9p Sunday 4p-9p ON CALL Shift work is a on-going hiring. We are hire this position year round. You much be at least 21 yrs of age. 1yr child related experience (can include baby sitting)


Posted in Missoula, MT, Non-Profit
From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago