Underwriter - Ocean Marine Insurance Job - (Jacksonville, FL)
Analyze complex Ocean Marine risks and underwrite various property damage exposures to watercrafts, marine structures, and cargo resulting from loading, unloading, berthing, docking, and similar. Other risks covered include: War Risks, Increased Value, Builder's Risk, Tower's Liability, Strike, Riots, Civil Commotions, and similar. *** Review, analyze, and accept or decline risks. *** Order and screen related reports to support rating and underwriting process. *** Prepare quotes, binders, invoices, and underwriting worksheets. *** Maintain book of renewal business and solicit new business. *** Participate in audits and optimize underwriting processes. *** Train and mentor associate Underwriters. Products: Hull & Watercraft Insurance, Marine General Liability Insurance, and Ocean Marine Cargo Insurance.
From The Job Spider - 1 month ago