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Azure Cloud and Infrastructure Engineer - (Detroit, MI)

The position is located in Livonia (Northwest Wayne County) The Web Infrastructure Engineer will be responsible for maintaining all e-commerce/ omnichannel platform systems and their environments within a Microsoft Azure based deployment. Components include the following: Windows OS, Sitecore CMS, SQL Server Enterprise, Microsoft/.NET, MongDB, and Microsoft Dynamics AX. Key responsibilities The Web Infrastructure Engineer assignments include installation, configuration, monitoring, tuning, and troubleshooting the Azure built environment on an ongoing basis, as well as scheduling and executing code deployments and application upgrades. Sitecore installation & upgrades, while working in conjunction with the application team responsible for these applications. Act as the release manager in communicating code/patch/software releases to the different stakeholders in IT and the business.


Posted in Detroit, MI, Architecture & Engineering
From The Resumator - 1 month ago