Call Center Representative (Part Time 20) RIDC Park - (Pittsburgh, PA)
Call Center Representative (Part-time 20) RIDC Park Giant Eagle Inc., ranked 36 on Forbes magazine's largest private corporations list, is 1 of the nation's largest food retailers and distributors with approx \$9.5 billion in annual sales. Founded in 1931, Giant Eagle, Inc. has grown to be the number 1 supermarket retailer in the region with more than 420 stores throughout western Pennsylvania, north central Ohio, northern West Virginia, Maryland and Indiana.Giant Eagle was previously named America's 2nd Harvest Regional Retailer of the Year for its support of local food banks, and also actively supports numerous community events, the United Way, Children's Hospital, Race For The Cure and other non-profit organizations. The company also has created education initiatives such as Apples For The Students, which has provided millions of dollars in computer equipment, software and other classroom learning tools for local schools and the Be A Smart Shopper school nutrition program.
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago