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Fight Fossil Fuel Pipelines - (Madison, WI)

Bold Alliance is a network of states and communities across the country working to protect the land and water while building political power at the grassroots level. Based in rural states including Nebraska, Iowa, Louisiana and Oklahoma, the Bold Alliance is now expanding to other communities fighting fossil fuel pipelines on the frontlines. As a leader in the fight against the Keystone XL pipeline, Bold created an unlikely alliance of farmers, ranchers, Native allies and environmentalists that stood together. Bold believes in protecting property rights by ending eminent domain for private gain pipelines, ensuring everyone has access to clean water, stopping fossil fuel projects that contribute to climate change and standing with Native allies' Sovereignty and Treaty rights trampled on by risky projects. Three Pipeline Fighter positions are open in the following areas: Appalachian Region (specifically WV and VA) Great Lakes Region (specifically WI and MN)


Posted in Madison, WI, Non-Profit
From idealist.org - 1 month ago