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Industrial Engineer-Tire Manufacturing - (Augusta, GA)

Industrial Engineer for a very large (over one million square feet) manufacturing plant in South Carolina (near Augusta, GA). Our client is a Fortune 500 manufacturer who is the leading tire manufacturer. This plant manufactures huge tires for surface mining equipment. Each tire is up to 14 feet tall and weighs up to five tons. The plant cost $1.2 billion and is the most expensive commercial plant ever built in South Carolina. This is 1 of our best clients. Position details: Ensure quality industrial engineering service is provided and to provide studies, analysis and recommendations on production manpower, productivity and equipment for the purpose of improving safety, quality and cost. Responsibilities: Determine equipment, floorspace requirements, and layouts for current operations expansions and product conversions.


Posted in Augusta, GA, Architecture & Engineering
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago