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Unarmed Security Officer - (Richmond, VA)

It is an exciting time for ODS Security Solutions as we embark on a renewed ?Journey to Excellence?. We strive to be the employer of choice in our industry by creating a workplace atmosphere that rewards, recognizes and compensates our employees for outstanding performance and a commitment to customer service. It is our goal to hire and develop people who live by the same core values as we do. ODS Security Solutions-Core Values ? Serve and Inspire ? Excellence in reputation-being a part of something special ? Embrace Diversity ? Act with Integrity and Humility ? Encourage Innovation, adapt to change and be willing to take risk ? Sharing goals, efforts and a willingness to perform the duties of others ? Consistency and dependability in our people and our actions ? Celebrate successes large and small


Posted in Richmond, VA, Security
From CareerBuilder - 1 month ago