Super Associate Project Manager - (Medford, MA)
Ever dreamt of becoming a superhero? Having the expertise to savepeoples lives, assist doctors in performing surgery or even keepplanes from falling out of the sky. Language Scientific Inc. currentlyhas several openings for some Super Associate Project Managers to joinour operations team at our corporate headquarters in Medford,Massachusetts. Applicants would be responsible for managing a widevariety of translation projects ranging from clinical studies helpingto save the lives of patients to engineering materials for Fortune 500aerospace ************* everything in ****************** applicants would be detail oriented, highly organized,self-motivated and have an exceptional expertise to ******************** faster than a speeding bullet and being able to leap tallbuildings in a single bound are not required, but are a *************** should be interested in a career in translation projectmanagement. Proven communication, organizational, and computer skillsare also required.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago