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Home Health Aide / Certified Nursing Assistant - (Harrisburg, PA)

Certified Home Health Aides and Certified Nursing Assistants Position duties: Encourages the client to become as independent as possible according to the nursing care plan Attempts to promote client's mental alertness through involvement in activities of interest Supports with certain approved and supervised treatments as ordered by the physician Plans and prepares nutritious meals Helps the client to maintain good personal hygiene Assists in maintaining a healthy, safe environment Assists the client with transfers and ambulation with or without an assistive device Gives simple emotional and psychological support to the client and other members of the household. Position qualifications: Completion of the ninth grade or its equivalent; prefer high-school graduate. Completion of 1 (one) year's employment as a CNAor HHA required. Completion of a basic aide training program consistent with state and federal qualifications and for which a certificate was obtained.


Posted in Harrisburg, PA, Domestic
From CareerBuilder - 1 month ago