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Telecommunications Network Technician - (Miami Beach, FL)

Telecommunications Network Technician, Litoil USA, Inc., Miami Beach, FL to implement new telecom developments & innovations in customer networks of vertical markets. Install/test networking equip. (routers, switches, optical terminals, infrastructure & IP network devices) in large-scale networks. Provide network tech. support. Reqts: BS in Engg, or a closely tech. rltd field. three years tech exp in vertical markets (Radio/TELEVISION, Oil & Gas, Energy, Telecom, Civil Works) rltd w/ Microwaves, IP, Telecom basics. Handling tech issues & deploying tech solutions. Comp. skills ( SAP, Microsoft office, MS Project, Sharepoint & CAD). Resume to Litoil USA, Inc. 1680 Michigan Avenue, Suite 1016, Miami Beach, FL 33139. Source - Miami Herald


Posted in Miami Beach, FL, IT & software development
From CareerBuilder - 1 month ago