Houseparent - Part time - (Wabash, IN)
Houseparent - Part time Position overview: The Part Time Houseparent will serve to fill multiple roles within the residential setting. Such as assisting and supporting staff as well as working within the Refocus Unit. The Part time Houseparent can help youth learn to function in a home-like setting, by example and teaching. The Part time Houseparent can offer healthy values, a safe, structured environment and opportunities for relationship building. The Part time Houseparent must demonstrate sensitivity to our service populations cultural and socioeconomic characteristics and need. Basic Responsibilities: To help Residential staff members supervise youth. To provide coverage for staff that is off duty for PAID-TIME-OFF and Leave of absences, etc. Provide a safe and secure environment for residents. Engage in conflict resolution, intervene in crisis situations and physically restrain residents when necessary.
From CareerBuilder - 1 month ago