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Retail Customer Service - (Palm Springs, CA)

Job DescriptionOur expanding company is a privately held marketing firm in the Palm Springs area. We are planning to expand into more locations within the next year and are looking for team leaders to execute our new campaigns. We work with clients from leading industries across the country with a strong focus in the promotional retail event industry. We have an internal training program where we create our next generation of team branch managers from within. On a daily basis we represent our clients in and out of some of the nations largest retailers and are looking for sharp, competitive and professional individuals to keep their (and our) branding consistent. Selected applicants will be trained in:ENTRY LEVEL MANAGEMENTPROMOTIONAL SALESEVENT MARKETINGPUBLIC RELATIONSADVERTISINGCAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT NO BACKGROUND IS REQUIRED BUT THE WILLINGNESS TO LEARN IS EXPECTED This is an entry level position and prefer someone who has an open mind and a zest for moving up quickly within our company.


Posted in Palm Springs, CA, Customer Service
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago