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Project Manager Automotive Software - MS122690 - (Novi, MI)

Project Manager Automotive Software - MS122690 The Technical Program Manager will support the software engineering manager to oversee and manage all software engineering of the automotive infotainment systems; common tasks include daily monitoring and managing of all aspects of the system. The Technical Program Manager will support the software engineering manager to oversee and manage all software engineering of the automotive infotainment systems. Common tasks include daily monitoring and managing of all aspects of the system. The Program Manager will manage both internal suppliers, customers and communicate the software engineering status of the team. The Project Manager is responsible for the creation of software engineering plans, coordinating different schedule between suppliers and make sure all meet customer milestones. The Program Manager will work regularly with suppliers and customers on software issues, resolution, summarizing the status of those issues, and presenting results to the team.


Posted in Novi, MI, Science & Research
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago