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Boiler Operator - Mechanic - (Los Banos, CA)

Summary Maintains and repairs stationary steam boilers and boiler house auxiliaries by performing the following duties. Essential Duties and Assignments include the following. Other duties may be assigned. Cleans boilers and aux equipment. Inspects and repairs boiler fittings such as safety valves, regulators, automatic control mechanisms, and water columns, and aux machines such as pumps, draft fans, stokers, and burners. Repairs or replaces high pressure piping not including power piping. Performs water pressure test by pumping water into system to determine location of leaks. Performs all tasks of a mechanical nature necessary to test, calibrate, set-up, adjust, repair, overhaul, maintain, assemble or install all types of tasks assigned to the complete running of the boiler and steam system, including the de-aerator, softeners, and brine tank. Is skilled in the light overhaul, operation, repair and maintenance of all types of pumps, and all other general mechanical equipment.


Posted in Los Banos, CA, Construction & Trades
From CareerBuilder - 1 month ago