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Senior Project Manager â?? Infectious Diseases Pharmaceutical SME - (Frederick, MD)

Experience: We have contract support opportunity available for 1 of our U.S. Federal Government clients located in Maryland suburban district. A senior project manager position with extensive pharmaceutical vaccine and drug therapeutic development and manufacturing ability is desired immediately. The position will assist in the oversight management of development and manufacturing efforts for infectious diseases products that would be potentially encountered by the military while deployed overseas. Current include a Q Fever Vaccine, anti-malarial drug, and leishmania topical cream, but this could adapt as other infectious disease products change in maturity. Products will be both viral and bacterial in nature. The position will function on several development project teams and serve as a technical expert and advisor to federal project managers on infectious disease pharmaceutical products. Position: The positions will have the following responsibilities and duties:


Posted in Frederick, MD, Business & Management
From BioSpace - 1 month ago