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Distribution Coordinator - (San Antonio, TX)

The Distribution Coordinator is to coordinate all aspects associated with the receipt, staging, release, storage, and shipping of HCT/Ps received from Contracted Processing Laboratories (CPL) in accordance with BBA Standard Operating Procedures, AATB guidelines, and FDA regulations. Responsibilities: Receive and Reconcile incoming HCT/Ps from CPL. Store work in progress HCT/Ps in appropriate climate controlled environments. Stage work in progress HCT/Ps in accordance with Product and Packaging Specifications. Stock released HCT/Ps in appropriate bins in Final Product inventory. Package and Ship HCT/Ps to customers and track transit conditions and delivery verifications. Complete sales orders and enter accurate tracking details into the database order form. Assist with inventory management, product traceability and production record maintenance. Conduct routine cycle count and quarterly physical inventories. Maintain Customer Owned Stock (COS) inventories and logs.


Posted in San Antonio, TX, Transportation
From CareerBuilder - 1 month ago