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Retail Cashier (Dickson) - (White Bluff, TN)

Love's is looking for Retail Cashiers to join our team! Retail Cashiers are in a unique position. You interact with every customer. Sometimes it s a few seconds, others it s longer. But each time it s a chance to leave a positive impression. Customers come back because of you! When you rock, we all rock. We know most companies don t treat cashiers like rock stars, but like we said, we ve got your back. And, for your services, we offer career advancement opportunities, flexible work schedules, great health and wellness benefits, and exceptional training. Associated topics: associate, courtesy clerk, customer, customer service representative, member, representative, retail associate, retail sales associate, service associate, team


Posted in White Bluff, TN, Labor
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago