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Before and After School Teacher - (West Bend, WI)

KinderCare Education is the nation’s leader in early childhood education. We nourish curiosity through purposeful experiences to create a future full of lifelong learners. From our National Support Center, to the classrooms where learning comes to life, we’re united by a passion to create a world of learning, joy and adventure for more than 161,000 children ages six-weeks through 12yrs every day. Our Teachers bring warmth, patience, and understanding to the classroom every day, encouraging children to learn and grow. They inspire children to be lifelong learners using our nationally recognized curriculum that promotes social, physical, verbal, and cognitive development. Our Teachers are committed to making their center successful and know that creating meaningful relationships with children, families, and their team play a crucial role in that success.


Posted in West Bend, WI, Education
From Equest - 1 month ago