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Adoption & Permanency Supervisor (Pittsburgh, PA) - (Pittsburgh, PA)

As 1 of the nation's fastest growing Christian foster care ministries, The Bair Foundation is currently seeking applicants for an Adoption Supervisor/Permanency Specialist in Pittsburgh, PA to provide supervision to staff in our Pittsburgh office. Core Responsibilities: * Supervises and supports assigned Permanency Specialists to assure that each child and family receives services in accordance with the program description. * Assures the implementation of all DPW and SWAN regulations and TBF policies and procedures. * Supervises and conducts evaluations of Permanency Specialists under their supervision, and makes appropriate recommendations to the Director of Adoption and Permanency. * Assists the Director in the implementation of progressive discipline measures up to and including termination of the permanency specialist. * Supervises treatment, planning and progress of units for workers under their supervision. * Attends SWAN required conferences and seminars per Director.


Posted in Pittsburgh, PA, Non-Profit
From Broadbean - 1 month ago