Sports Staff Job - (West Chester, PA)
The YMCA is looking for sports enthusiasts to be responsible for equipment maintenance as well as supervision of our youth sports games and practices. Qualifications: *Must be 18 yrs of age or older and have High-school degree/GED *Strong communication expertise and a positive attitude *Knowledge of and/or participation in recreational, high-school or college sports as well as p rior participation as an athlete/coach in a recreational, high-school or collegiate program in sports *Must consistently be available to work week nights and Saturdays? *Knowledge of rules for certain sports such as soccer, flag football and basketball * Referee certifications are preferred but not required * Previous refereeing background with players at the Elementary/Middle/High-school level preferred Responsibilities: *Coordinate Site as necessary with special attention to providing a safe environment for members and staff *Maintain equipment in a safe manner *Provide supervision of staff and program volunteers *Lifting and
From The Job Spider - 1 month ago