Java Online Training with Placement Assistance in Connecticut - (Columbia, CT)
P2CINFOTECH are specialized in providing Java On-line Training all over the globe any 1 can access from their home town and listen the classes which suits to your busy life style. We deliver our subject as per the market trends and make our students to become high professional and experts in knowledge. P2cinfotech Global Institutes facilitated on-line courses .We have successfully conducted on-line classes on various Software Technologies that are currently in Demand. To name a few, we provide on-line training for QA, Java, and .NET, QTP, HP LoadRunner and Iphone App Development. Unique Features of P2Cinfotech : All on-line software Training Batches will be handled by Real time working Professionals only. Flexible Batch Timings and proper timetable. Affordable, decent and Flexible fee structure. Extended Technical assistance even after completion of the course. Job Assistance and Guidance. Contact Us : Phone : +1-7 2-546- 607 (USA)

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