Volunteers needed from each nation on earth! - (Escondido, CA)
.Be advised for all those who join This group that we are compiling a data base from all your comments and ideas..to present a new world constitution. It shall be written and structured from all the Honesty and Sincerity of each members contributions. After a time it will be posted for all to see and read, Then when we have a multitude of members because there is strength in numbers we will vote on this much needed constitution having been designed from the many different people and there cultures. Remember we wanted to produce what Mankind in truth needs to insure our place on earth, our survival for ever and throughout the universe. It will not stand if the vote is not 100 % yes in agreement. then we will have something dictators, ruthless rulers, presidents and kings will realize that it can not be denied. Join WORLD UNITY EARTH WITHOUT BORDERS Here : https : //www.facebook.com/groups/worldunityfreedom/ So anyway pass the ms word, get with it and help each other do this good work. Best Regards John Wexler

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