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QC Technician II - Microbiologist, United States, Sweet Flavors N. America - (Amboy, IL)

POSITION DESCRIPTION: This position will perform necessary microbiological tests to assure the microbiological safety of raw materials, finished goods and the plant environment meet all acceptable standards. Must ensure the highest level of commitment to Safe Quality Food (SQF) in order to provide assurance that all products have been produced, prepared and handled according to the highest possible standards to include all quality/regulatory requirements but not limited to SQF, HACCP, GMP, OSHA, Organic and Kosher. DUTIES and RESPONSIBILITIES : Is responsible for conducting microbiological tests in accordance with accepted laboratory procedures including: media preparations, sample preparation, plate samples, air plates, swabs, and reading plates Is responsible to immediately notify the Quality Management Team of any deviations from acceptable standards and start the investigation of the issue.


Posted in Amboy, IL, Science & Research
From CareerBuilder - 1 month ago