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Training Coordinator - (Independence, MO)

Description: Our Training Coordinator position will allow you to develop, manage, and measure both WCM and technical training. Track/report training results, including cost and benefit of the training. Identify opportunities to improve training with respect to effectiveness and efficiency. Overview of Training Coordinator Responsibilities Has the expertise to do shift work (A, B, C or D shifts) 1. Training Management - Responsible compliance training is scheduled and tracked appropriately to adhere to all regulations on site. Analysis of training effectiveness through metrics such as benefit to cost ratio. Partner with local schools to develop/deliver technical curriculums & training. Review/update SOPs ensuring proper training is conducted. 2. Safety - Utilize appropriate safety and environmental procedures for people, processes, materials, products, training and equipment to ensure a safe workplace atmosphere for the whole team.


Posted in Independence, MO, Education
From APP Cast - 1 month ago