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Benefits Recruiters/Training Specialists!! (Telecommute) - (Springfield, IL)

Nationwide 22 yr old Health benefits/Dental company are in search of Enthusiastic, Serious, and Self Motivated individuals who are ready and Excited to start a new Career Path Immediately all through WORKING FROM YOUR HOME OFFICE! We Have over 1.5 Million Customers that are just as EXCITED about our services as we are! The positions available are Benefits Recruiters/Training Specialists. -Immediate start PT or FT ( Only a few Positions available) -No Background Necessary -Training Provided -Computer, Internet access and Phone Required (Home/Cell) -No cold calling -Min age 21 For more details PLEASE CALL 641-715-XXXX EXT. 803580# Listen to HEAR FULL DETAILED info about our company. We are seeking individuals who enjoy working with teams in an individual setting. Please Note these Positions are Telecommute/HOME-BASED Positions(1099). IF YOU ARE EXCITED TO FIND YOUR ESCAPE FROM THE CORPORATE LADDER! WE ARE EXCITED TO HAVE YOU! ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE LISTENED TO THE JOB OVERVIEW.


Posted in Springfield, IL, Education
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago