Electro-Mechanical Maintenance - (Ripon, WI)
Company OverviewWhy work at Alliance Laundry Systems? For starters, you will be able to work and grow professionally with a global leader. And because laundry services are needed no matter what the economy is doing, the industry is very stable. We already have over 2,500 dedicated employees, and although our manufacturing is concentrated in Wisconsin, Belgium, China and the Czech Republic, we have sales and field service employees on every continent of the globe, except Antarctica. By joining Alliance, you can receive the training, opportunities and professional growth that will bring out your very best. And your best is what is needed to support the customer-centric philosophy that drives our company to even higher levels; a philosophy we call Customer One. It---s this unique cultural commitment that ensures that every customer interaction with an Alliance employee is exceptional, translating to better products, ideas and support after the sale.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago