Store Manager - (Oklahoma City, OK)
About the Job Do you want to be responsible for growing sales by running your own Games Workshop retail store? Are you excited by working alone, engaging with all your customers, understanding whats important to them, and responding appropriately? You will be responsible for and expected to make all the decisions to drive sales in your store all of the time. We will provide you with broad guidelines and access to a variety of support to allow you to do this effectively. We know that the real challenge to growing sales is to provide a consistently exceptional standard of service to every customer no matter what. For those of you that meet this challenge, you will be financially rewarded with a proportion of your sales growth on top of an already aggressive compensation. Working at Games Workshop At Games Workshop we are looking for people who will do their best to understand the needs of the company and to put those needs 1st when they are at work.

From Global-free-classified-ads - 1 month ago