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Job Openings in US Postal Serviceandacirc;Salary 21$ Per Hour! - (Laurel, DE)

The US Postal Service is hiring and accepting applications all over the Greater Laurel DE Area for entry level positions in customer service and delivery. Starting pay is $21/hour on average. Job openings for mail carrier, handler, processor and window clerk. The average postal worker made just over $72K last year. The USPS employs 600, 000 workers nationwide, and is an equal opportunity employer. No background necessary. Start Now! For more details and to start the hiring process on-line, visit http : //postaljobservicecenter.com

Job Openings in US Postal Serviceandacirc;Salary 21$ Per Hour!


Posted in Laurel, DE, Administrative & Office
From Global-free-classified-ads - 1 month ago