Criminal Justice Liaison - (Columbia, TN)
Summary of Job: Provide assessment, advocacy and resource linkage to persons with mental illness who are incarcerated, provide education and consultation to law enforcement personnel. Provide education and consultation to Centerstone Case Management services. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Develop and coordinate plans for mentally ill inmates that includes 2. Referral and linkages with mental health services and community 3. Conduct follow up activities for mentally ill inmates released from jail into community programs and services to insure successful integration into the community 4. Arrange for outpatient follow up services including appointments with outpatient, MD, therapy and case management as needed for inmates being released from jail 5. Offer quarterly Mental Health Crisis Management Training to sheriff personnel, alternative transporting agencies, other criminal justice personnel in the judicial districts, and mental health center staff
From CareerBuilder - 1 month ago