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Business Analyst/Application Developer - (Philadelphia, PA)

Business Analyst/Application Developer Details Technology Business Analyst/Application Developer LAGOS, Inc., a Philadelphia based jewelry design and manufacturing company is searching for an IT professional to help take our business to the next level. Due to our tremendous growth, we are looking for this individual to play a significant role within our IT organization and hope that this individual can grow into a leader that we can count on. The applicant will play a key role in project management; analysis, design, development, installations, testing and maintenance of software systems, and work directly with our internal stakeholders and external vendor/partners. We look forward to hiring an individual that enjoys an entrepreneurial and creative environment to join us as a valued team player. We are open to background level, however; the right applicant must have the expertise to execute as well as coordinate solutions. Job duties Contributes in all phases of the development lifecycle.


Posted in Philadelphia, PA, IT & software development
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago