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94A Land Combat Electronic Missile System Repairer - (Fort Drum, NY)

Age Requirements: Must be between the ages of seventeen and 35 Position details Electronics are used in virtually every Army National Guard unit. It is the job of the Land Combat Electronic Missile System Repairer to fix and maintain electronics relevant to the Army's missile systems. You will work primarily on the TOW antimissile system, the DRAGON antitank guided missile systems, and the Bradley Fighting Vehicle systems. Other duties include testing instruments and navigational controls, reading technical diagrams and manuals to locate and repair instrument parts, and replacing equipment parts. You will also perform quality control, inspect and maintain units, and repair unserviceable items. The skills you learn as an Army National Guard Land Combat Electronic Missile System Repairer could help prepare you for a civilian career in manufacturing, medical research, satellite communications, or in the commercial airline industry. You may also consider a career with the federal government.


Posted in Fort Drum, NY, Government
From - 1 month ago